Advertisement Opportunities


Advertisement Opportunities

Ads can appear at the top of your page (featured ads), along the side (side bar ads), or as a banner (mobile ads).  These can be advertisers that you contract with directly, or you can use Google Ads Manager to do the work for you. Another form of advertisement is in featured events, tags, and venues, where a business or organization can pay you to promote their events.  Featured ads are the most prominent, and are located at the top of your calendar page.  These are the best performing ads on the site, since they are run through GatherBoard, are immune to ad blockers, and are displayed on all devices.  There must be a minimum of three featured ads to display.  GatherBoard has also launched a mobile app, with special mobile banner ads built in (see picture above).  To learn more about the different monetization opportunities that a GatherBoard calendar can offer, check out this blog post.  To learn more about adding ads to your calendar, watch the video below.

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