Custom Categories


Custom Categories

GatherBoard has unmatched flexibility in organizing your events into different categories and subcategories that match the interests of your community.  Here are a few of our options:

Primary Event Category Manager - You can have up to eight total Primary Event Categories. For a community calendar, we have found that these eight work well:  Music, Art, Sports, Food, Education, Government, Business, and Special Events. 

Sub Event Category Manager - You can have as many Sub Categories as you want. Remember though the more subcategories you have the longer it's going to take people to read through them all. If you have an event that only happens once a month like Miniature Golf instead of creating a new subcategory just for it just list it under Golf or Misc.

Age Filter Manager - Just like subcategories you can have as many Age Filters as you want. We have found that these have worked for us in the past:  All Ages, Kids, Teens, 18+, 21+, Family, and Seniors.

Watch the video below to learn more!

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